China Today
Protecting Rights and Interests of Foreign Investors by Law

On March 15, the Second Session of the 13th National People's Congress (NPC) reviewed and approved the high-profile Foreign Investment Law. Leading up to the approval, Wang Chen, vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, pointed out in his explanation of the Foreign Investment Law (draft) that foreign investment legislation follows and reflects four important principles: highlighting the main theme of actively expanding opening-up and promoting foreign investment, adhering to the positioning of the foreign investment law as a fundamental law, adhering to the integration of Chinese characteristics and international regulations, and adhering to the accordance of domestic and foreign investment.

14:15, 03-14, 2019
“This Is Our Confidence in the Political System”

On the eve of the two sessions, the International Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the Renmin University of China jointly hosted the 27th Wangshou Forum in Beijing on February 28, with the theme of "The Building of a Community of Shared Future for Mankind and the Development of World Socialism.” Leaders and representatives of 13 communist parties from 11 countries of Europe and America as well as Chinese experts attended the forum.

11:31, 03-13, 2019
Commentary: A landmark law in China's opening up

The draft Foreign Investment Law, being reviewed by the National People's Congress (NPC), China's national legislature, is a fundamental law for China's foreign investment and innovative improvement of its foreign investment legal system.

13:15, 03-11, 2019
Optimism over economy resonates at "two sessions"

Optimism over the economy is high at China's ongoing annual legislative and political advisory sessions despite challenges ahead.

10:53, 03-10, 2019
Global Implications of the Two Sessions

Events that hold the center of global attention and set the course of changes taking place on a global scale are few in number, and the international community follows their proceedings and conclusions with full attention. Among them, China’s Two Sessions, the NPC and CPPCC annual sessions have qualified for the status of global attention in true letter and spirit.

14:14, 03-09, 2019
China's resolve to all-round reform and opening up provides reassurance to global economy

China has vowed to expand opening-up by diversifying exports markets and expanding imports, boosting foreign investment inflow and advancing the Belt and Road Initiative, which will provide reassurance to global economy.

11:04, 03-09, 2019
Renewed Focus on the Domestic Economy and Its Positive Global Impact

The government work report delivered by Premier Li Keqiang on behalf of the State Council at the Second Session of the 13th National People's Congress highlighted the government's willingness to deepen reforms to keep China's economy moving and to keep it insulated from economic turbulences coming from abroad.

15:31, 03-08, 2019
China' s Renewed Rural Development Commitment

Eliminating rural poverty has emerged as one of China's major areas of focus towards building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

10:07, 03-08, 2019
China doubters risk ending up losers

China's adjustment of its GDP growth target this year has, unsurprisingly, become the latest "evidence" for China skeptics to talk up a potential crash landing, property bubble bursting and financial crisis.

11:51, 03-08, 2019
Unprecedented corporate burden cut shows China's resolve to stabilize growth

Facing grim and complicated situations at home and abroad, China has vowed to lower corporate burden by a record-breaking amount to stabilize growth and benefit a wider range of companies and people.

10:08, 03-07, 2019
Never too late to rediscover China's strength

China's annual two sessions is a window for outsiders to gauge China's development path as well as its effect on the world.

10:06, 03-07, 2019
China Charts Its Course in a Turbulent Sea

The opening of this year's "Two Sessions”is taking place in the context of a very turbulent world.

15:36, 03-06, 2019
Tapping Business Opportunities in High Quality Development

This year, China’s top legislative and political advisory bodies will start their annual sessions in early March as scheduled.

16:19, 03-03, 2019
Time to discard growth rate fetish for China's economy

China sets the 2019 GDP growth target at 6-6.5 percent, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said in his government work report on Tuesday at the opening of the second session of the 13th National People's Congress.

13:00, 03-05, 2019
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