China Today
China in Foreign Eyes
CPC, the Most Successful Political Party in History

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which commenced on October 16, 2022, is seen as a milestone event in the history of the CPC.

13:25, 10-19, 2022
Laying Out a Pathway for China and the World

General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping delivered a report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on October 16, in which he laid out an ambitious agenda for reaching the goal of transforming China into a modern socialist society in all respects by the middle of the century.

13:43, 10-18, 2022
Observers worldwide laud China's milestone achievements under CPC leadership

The report delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the opening session of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Sunday comprehensively summarizes the achievements and experience of China's reforms and development, and contains an overall strategic plan for the cause of the party and the country, overseas analysts and observers said.

10:05, 10-18, 2022
China's accomplishments under CPC leadership remarkable -- political leaders

Political leaders around the world have lauded China's achievements under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in their congratulations sent to the CPC Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping of the committee on the opening of the 20th CPC National Congress.

09:46, 10-18, 2022
Foreign experts weigh in on CPC congress and report

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China commenced in China with a significant report presented by Xi Jinping explaining the path to Chinese epic economic development, modernization, development, and governance achievements through the people's process democracy.

11:50, 10-17, 2022
Tangible Results in China's Eco-Environmental Protection

Over the past decade, China has seen marked progress in environmental protection.

13:23, 10-11, 2022
My China Story

After engaging in cultural exchanges with China for nearly two decades, Alfons Labisch, a professor wtih Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf in Germany, looks forward to continuing his China story far into the future.

10:49, 09-29, 2022
Harmony, Stability, and Prosperity in Xinjiang

Xinjiang people have the final say over their own happiness.

12:51, 10-11, 2022
Protecting Our Past for Our Future

Over the past decade, China has been a leading figure in facilitating international dialogue and collaborations on heritage conservation and sustainable development, and has made commendable efforts in supporting other developing countries to enhance the implementation of the World Heritage Convention.

14:51, 08-25, 2022
Reflections on China's Rise to Technology Leadership

From a follower to a world leader in technological innovation, China's great transformation has demonstrated to the world the great potential, vitality, and creativity of the Chinese nation.

14:46, 08-25, 2022
Poverty Alleviation the Chinese Way – as a Human Right

Keenly aware of the priority of the right to development, China’s feat in poverty alleviation following a people-centered approach serves as an inspiring example for the world to promote human rights through development.

14:43, 08-25, 2022
A Finnish Eco-City Designer's Chinese Connection

A Finnish expert has been making an important contribution to China's sustainable development and exchanges between the two countries over the past decade.

14:36, 08-25, 2022
In Tempo with the China Beat

China's extraordinary development, which has shaped the world's largest middle class, its modernization of foodservice and retail sectors, upgraded infrastructure, and broadening market access to foreign products, has made Irish food and drink exports to China more than quadrupled in the past decade.

14:32, 08-25, 2022
The Fantasies of Nancy Pelosi and the Real World

Hubris manifest in the U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and some congressmen about the Taiwan question has created a national dilemma. While America has lost in its search for global power, China has won through its commitment to the development of mankind.

14:26, 08-25, 2022
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