China Today
Ten Years On
China's Unique Path to Modernization

The success of China's modernization drive proves that there is no universally applicable model of modernization, and every country should find the one most suitable to themselves.

13:16, 10-11, 2022
From Poverty to Prosperity

After achieving its historic target of eliminating absolute poverty, China has begun focusing on rural revitalization to enhance prosperity in the countryside.

13:12, 10-11, 2022
China Is Now a Global Innovation Powerhouse

China has achieved new heights in science and technology development.

13:05, 10-11, 2022
The Green Transition

China has made world-renowned achievements in ecological preservation and environmental protection over the past decade.

13:00, 10-11, 2022
China's Breakthrough in Plant Hybridization

Plant chromosome hybrid technology is of strategic significance, and China is leading the world in this field.

10:39, 09-29, 2022
A Chinese Wheat Breeder's International Vision

Agricultural scientist He Zhonghu, who has greatly improved Chinese wheat varieties, now focuses on helping other developing countries to improve their crops for food security.

14:22, 08-26, 2022
Making the Chinese Voice Heard

How to transcend the echo chamber of distortions and falsifications about China? A prominent Chinese journalist has blazed a trail to get the real Chinese stories across.

11:29, 07-25, 2022
Manned Carrier Rockets Empower China's Space Dream

Rong Yi, chief designer of the Long March-2F rocket that has launched China's all manned space flight missions, talks about China's progress in manned carrier rocket development and launch vehicle technology.

15:36, 06-27, 2022
A Chinese Discourse in the Making

An Interview with Zhang Weiwei, Director of the China Institute of Fudan University.

10:30, 05-30, 2022
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