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GDI Blazing the Trail of Global Development

2023-09-28 10:23:00 Source:China Focus Author:Muhammad Zamir Assadi
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The pledge by China at the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to further push forward the Global Development Initiative (GDI) and the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda has ignited the hope of sustainable development across the global community who are looking for the durable and long-term partnerships under the ambit of multilateralism.

The pledge by Chinese Vice President Han Zheng, during his participation in the UNGA General Debate has advanced the agenda of sustainable, inclusive growth through deeper global cooperation that has emerged as the need of the time.

Gaining the reputation as timely and necessary, GDI has been contributing to the human progress in a large scale amid the unseen and uncertain challenges faced by the world of unilateralism and isolationism by the American and western community.

The progress of GDI has highlighted many beautiful things about the development narratives proposed by China and the very best till now appreciated by international community is that China always integrates its domestic development with global stability and prosperity.

In the process of either GDI or the Belt and Road Initiative, China has been continuously helping various countries with concrete and solid actions that have gained the positive outcome to achieve sustainable development goals for building a global development community with a shared future of mankind.

Chinese Vice President Han Zheng delivers a speech at the General Debate of the 78th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) at the United Nations headquarters in New York, Sept. 21, 2023. (Photo/Xinhua)

Amid the sluggish recovery of global economy and rising geopolitical conflicts, development has become essential part for most nations that is becoming highly beneficial for their prosperity.

Following the needs of developing nations, under the umbrella of GDI, China has prioritized the developing needs of various countries by implementing bundle of measures to empower partner countries.

The sectors that took much focus include connectivity, industrialization and poverty reduction as these are the areas that need much attention in developing countries.

The focus has successfully promoted multilateralism, solidarity and international cooperation that have been regularly strengthening the international engagements of developing countries for the development agenda.

With time passing by, GDI has put forward the development at the core of development agenda of international financial institutions and multilateral organizations.

It has become the highlight of development in the past years since the launch of GDI that China has always brainstormed new vision and concepts of progress for a better and sustainable shared future with other countries.

Following the development momentum set by China with fostering of GDI, it can be stated very easily that Beijing has always been a staunch practitioner in addressing the development needs of developing countries and the development of domestic resources have been dedicated for helping the development of other countries as well.

The greater commitment to GDI by China and other countries with the dividends of cooperation has set the stage for sustainable and steady development by making the joint efforts in the pursuit of UN 2030 SDGs and GDI and it has become very clear that no country or person should be left behind on the path of development.

A Chinese expert introduces desert plants to people from central Asian countries at a desert research station in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Jun. 13, 2023. (Photo/Xinhua)

Now, the idea of GDI has developed into the global public good as China has extended its intention of cooperation with the global community and laid the solid foundation of development by pioneering a new model of international development that is revitalizing economic recovery for all through hi-tech innovation and by improving the global governance system in an equitable manner.

Over the last two years, Han noted in the address, countries endorsing the GDI through concerted efforts, “cast the Yes vote” for development, enlarged the “circle of friends” for cooperation, enriched the “pool of resources” for development and built the “toolkit” for joint development.

The statement clearly shows that international community has found the right path of development by exploring GDI opportunities for their domestic development interests.

With reigniting the optimism, enthusiasm and sense of hope for UN 2030 SDGs, GDI has emerged up as an effective response to the recovery of sluggish global economy even in the developed countries by offering the inclusive growth.

With the mindset of welcoming the new paradigms of development, it is highly believed and accepted that China has blazed the trail of inclusive global development that has diverged the international community from western dominated development models towards the models based on win-win situation and one-sum game moving ahead for building a community of shared future.

With the tangible benefits under the development patterns of GDI, the world is coming closer the concepts and vision of development initiated by China with the open heart and mind so that is the reason number of developing countries joining this initiative.

As the balanced and coordinated development is being pushed forward, GDI has enhanced the representation and voice of developing countries at the global arena against protectionism, unilateralism and isolationism.

The unparalleled efforts of China in assisting developing countries for achieving the common development goals have shown that Beijing has become an ardent supporter and participant on the path of global sustainable development.


The article reflects the author’s opinions, and not necessarily the views of China Focus. 

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